Je vend mon furet femelle avec sa cage et toute ses accessoires. Elle est vraiment très gentille et n'a jamais mordu. Je la vend car je n'ai plus le temps de m'en occuper malheureusement. Je lui...
Cochon d'inde de trois ans à donner avec cage, accessoires et autres. Doux petit animal de compagnie qui aime se faire cajoler. - Tree year old Guinea pig to give, including cage, accessories and...
Two young loveable and playful rats free to a good home.
Hello i have two very nice and playful female rats here at my home, the girl that owned them had to leave the country due to a death in the family and she has informed me that she will not be...
young female rose hair tarantula -RCF (red color form)
female Red rose hair tarantula
i've been raising her since she was 2nd instar. got it from Tarantula canada a while ago.
100% female .
selling it for $30 firm.
i haven't seen red rose hair...